Claiming Her Legacy by Linda Goodnight

Claiming Her Legacy by Linda Goodnight

Author:Linda Goodnight
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2022-01-21T16:56:06+00:00

Chapter Fifteen

Willa hated walking past the saloon where rinky-dink piano music and loud laughter flowed out onto the boardwalk like the whiskey inside flowed into men. Papa was no longer nearby with his wit and pistol to scare away inebriated, leering faces.

She hadn’t even brought her rifle.

Tonight, she’d stayed too long at Belle’s house. They’d planted tomatoes and then worked on the quilt, chatting until both of them were shocked when Belle’s daughter began to rub her eyes and ask for a bedtime story.

Truth was she’d gone to Belle’s to keep her mind away from the journey that would begin first thing tomorrow. She was both eager to begin and afraid of what the coming weeks might hold.

Would they be able to find Charlie Bangs? If they did, could they capture him?

Yesterday’s target practice with Gideon had soothed some of her fears. He could and would assist if the need arose.

He’d smelled good, not of whiskey.

By now, the sun had long disappeared and Willa scurried along the back of the unpainted clapboard businesses, the moon and window lanterns her only light. Willa squinted into the darkness, annoyed with herself. She should have borrowed a lantern from Belle.

As she passed the rear of the saloon, the raucous piano player belted out a bawdy tune that made her blush, even in the darkness. Considering the extra layer of noise ricocheting through the thin walls, some of the local cowboys must be in town tonight. Cowboys or outlaws. They’d be shooting up the place, fighting and riding their horses down the boardwalk before daybreak.

Merchants would have a mess to clean up in the morning.

The raucous piano stopped for a brief breath-releasing moment.

Soft weeping broke the silence. Willa froze, alert, listening.

“Hello?” she turned toward the sound. “Is someone there?”

The sobs abruptly stopped. A small shadowy form rose from the backstairs of the saloon.


The small figure paused, one foot on the next step as if to flee at any moment.

Willa hurried to the staircase, concerned that someone was in need.

Her foot bumped something soft and alive. She jerked her boot away. The form moved, and in the shadowy darkness, she saw a dog gazing up the staircase at the human figure.

Willa made out a small female above her. Was this a child? Behind a saloon?

A snubbing sound, as if she was trying not to cry, came from the child on the steps.

“Are you hurt?” Willa peered hard into the shadows. “Do you need help?”

“No.” But the girl didn’t move, nor did she stop crying.

Without thought of danger, Willa climbed the steps. The child averted her face, but not before Willa saw, by the light from the upper windows, a white handkerchief held to her mouth and nose.

“You’re bleeding.” She gently tugged the child around.

With a start, Willa realized this was no child at all, but a young woman. Very young. And exotically beautiful.

Richly scented perfume emanated from her colorful red-and-yellow robe.

Please don’t let this teenager be a saloon girl.

“Must go.” The tremulous accented voice was soft as a whisper.


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